Ask The Stylist EP20: How To Reduce Hair Loss Problems?

Contrary to public beliefs, hair loss is one of the most common problem people face. One third of global population has hair loss issue. Everyone loses 100 strands of hair each day. But what you apply on your hair may also contributes to your hair loss problem.

We consulted Edward Kim, our senior hairstylist from DuSol Beauty on what could be the cause of hair loss and what can be done to stop it.
According to Edward, you must wash your hair with shampoo before you sleep, especially if you applied wax or hairspray on your hair. Because the products on your hair might clog up your pores on your scalp. This will cause problems such as hair loss, hair fall and baldness.  Also, always dry your scalp before sleep to prevent germs from damaging your scalp. In Ask The Stylist EP8, Lizzy from DuSol Beauty shared with us why should we shampoo our hair.
Stress also contributes to hair loss, along with alcohol and cigarettes. So go for a walk in the park and relax from time to time. Your hair and body will thank you for it.
1. Always wash off wax & hairspray with shampoo before sleep.
2. Stress, cigarettes & alcohol causes hair loss.
We hope that this week's Ask the Stylist has helped all of you who have sent in enquiries on DuSol Beauty's platforms asking how to reduce hair loss problems. You can drop us a comment either on InstagramFacebook or YouTube if you have more questions to ask! 

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