What scalp conditions are contagious?

Constantly having a battle with your scalp? You might not be the problem!  While common scalp problems like dandruff are not contagious, there are many scalp conditions that are. Here are some contagious yet common scalp conditions that you should look out for!

Ranked here are some of the most transmittable and common scalp conditions:

  1. Staph Infections
  2. Folliculitis Leading to Infection
  3. Scalp Ringworm – Tinea Capitis
  4. Head Lice

Staph Infections

Staph infections start out as a small swollen bump that can quickly turn into painful deep bumps that look like pimples or spider bites. These infections are mainly caused by poor hygiene after a head trauma or when there's a small injury on the scalp. Open wounds on your scalp, no matter the size gives bacteria a chance to sneak in and attack your immune system. This causes infection to occur in the deeper part of the hair follicle. Staph Infection can be passed on to another individual through the fluids in the infected area.

There’s no need to panic yet, because treatment for Staph Infections are curable with antibiotics. That’s provided if it is discovered early. Otherwise, the infection will turn into a yellow-green appearance, either oozing or scabbed. When the infection is found during this stage, you would require medical assistance from a doctor.


Folliculitis is a common skin condition when hair follicles become inflamed from the friction of wearing a headwear or shaving. Like the staph infection, it appears as a small red bump or a headed pimple around the hair follicle. When your hair follicles are inflamed, it becomes an open invitation for bacterias to infiltrate if it’s not kept clean regularly. These bacterias will then cause infections that can be transmitted to another person. What's worse? These might even cause a permanent bald spot if the treatment is delayed.

Scalp Ringworm

Although this scalp condition is not as common when compared to the previous two mentioned above, it is still a real issue that can be spread easily through sharing personal items such as combs, brushes, towels, bedding, hats, etc.

Unlike the name suggests, Scalp Ringworms aren’t actual worms crawling around your hair. The scientific name for this scalp condition is Tinea Capitis, it is a type of fungal infection caused by dermatophytes. The symptoms include an itchy patch on your scalp, followed by flaky skin that might seem like dandruff, hair will then start to drop off around the itchy patch. Treatment is necessary for this scalp condition as it will take any opportunity to spread across your whole scalp, which can cause permanent bald spots and scarring.

Head Lice

Unlike Scalp Ringworms, Head Lice are a group of actual insects that suck blood from your scalp. Fortunately, they do not carry any virus or diseases that can affect you physically. But they are extremely contagious, especially for children or family members who live in close proximity for prolonged periods of time. The lice can multiply rapidly with each female louse laying 6 -10 eggs a day, which will hatch and turn into mature adults all in 2 and a half weeks. Therefore it is important to get professional help to remove head lice immediately after detection.



Bacteria and fungi usually attack any open wounds, no matter how small. Unfortunately, is it very common to get open wounds on your scalp, sores and scabs can form from issues as small as stress or lack of sleep. But it doesn’t mean that any open wound is bound to contract scalp conditions. With proper hygiene and care, you can prevent your scalp from being attacked by these bacteria.

Avoid Sharing Personal Items

To avoid contracting these contagious scalp conditions, it’s most effective to not share personal hygiene products and items with others. Studies have shown that fungal bacteria infections can live on surfaces ranging from 6 to 8 weeks.

Consult Doctor Early

Infections and inflammations are common among most of us, most of these cases are harmless and heal on their own, but others might need professional help with prescribed medications.

Hair Care Products

If your scalp is starting to feel itchy or sore, try using Chanamu Scalp Care Multivitamin Treatment everyday after shampoo to balance the pH levels of your scalp, preventing bacteria from getting comfortable in there.


If you have difficulties treating your friend’s or your own scalp conditions with off the shelf products and home remedies, the easiest way is to approach your nearest GP and follow their professional advice and medications strictly.

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